Organising Club: North Devon MC       Permit No(s): ACU204083
Event Name: Steve Knight Tarka Trial       Event Date: 27th October 2024


I declare that I am over 18 years of age and agree to act, at all times, in accordance with the instructions of Officials of the event.

I further declare that I am physically and mentally fit to carry out my function and that I will inform the Organisers immediately should any change in my condition occur which I have reason or ought to have reason to believe would affect my ability to carry out my function.

I am not currently experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 and have not done so for 14 days. I have not knowingly been in contact with anyone showing symptoms within the last 14 days, except as a healthcare professional. If after submitting this form I do knowingly come into contact (except as a healthcare professional) with someone with COVID-19 or if I start to exhibit any of the signs indicating that I may be infected I will immediately withdraw from the event, notify Motorsport UK and ensure that my close contacts also do not attend. Should I become ill at or start to exhibit COVID-19 symptoms at the event I shall withdraw safely and notify the Secretary of the Meeting by telephone / SMS accordingly including identification of those others who I have come into contact with at the event. In addition, I confirm that the symptomatic person will as soon as practicable contact the NHS for the purposes of test and trace. If I have knowingly contracted COVID-19 I declare that I have been symptom free for at least 14 days, and am physically fit to compete with no new medical problems that may affect my ability to safely operate a motor vehicle in competition.

I agree to abide by all Government and Motorsport UK requirements imposed in respect of COVID-19. I understand that Motorsport UK Guidance on COVID-19 in relation to Events has Regulatory status and to the extent applicable shall supersede the General Regulations by virtue of GR A.2.4. Breach of this obligation may lead to disciplinary action being taken (C.1.1).

I acknowledge the nature and type of the competition and that while undertaking my duties I may be exposed to the potential risk inherent in motor sport and that I will undertake my function with its associated risks with due and proper regard for my safety and that of others. I understand that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against loss or injury through their negligence.

I understand and agree that my personal data is being processed solely for the purposes of running this Event and may be used for the purposes of COVID-19 infection tracing, and will be handled by the organisers in accordance with Motorsport UK data protection policy:

I hereby agree to abide by all applicable Motorsport UK Policies and Guidelines including but not exclusively Safeguarding and Anti Alcohol and Drugs policies.

Typed signature is acceptable and is legally binding

Person to contact in case of emergency