Supplementary Regulations

Entry Form
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Entry List

Signing-on will be available here
from 4th March 2025 09:00
to 12th April 2025 20:00
Competitor Signing-On

Marshal/Official Signing-on will be available here
from 4th March 2025 09:00
to 13th April 2025 10:00
Official/Marshal Signing-On
Media Signing-On

Lotus Sprint Festival ~ 13th April 2025

Entry Form

Please enter the event using this form, and then pay following the instructions on the next page.

You will appear in the entry list as an accepted entry once the Entries Secretary has received your payment and verified your entry is complete.

Held under the National Competition Rules of Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), the Supplementary Regulations and any written instructions (including bulletins) that the organising club may issue for the event.

Any indemnity and/or declaration as prescribed and which is signed by a person who has not reached their 18th birthday shall be countersigned by that person’s parent or guardian whose full names and address shall be given.
Entries will not be considered for acceptance until full payment has been received and the entry form is complete.

We do not recognise TBA, TBC, 0 or other such variants; this will not be classed as a completed entry.

To allow you to update your entry details, and to access the online signing-on form later. Keep a note of this.

It is important that this is correct.
No   Yes
AE    CS    BM    B19    7S    TW    GO    MS    RS    TR    LC    L7    
AE - AEMC/ASEMC Speed Championship
CS - ACSMC Sprint Championship Sponsored by Hamilton Classic Ltd
BM - BARC Midlands Championships
B19 - GF & Co Borough 19 MC Speed Championship
7S - Insite Graphics Sevenoaks & DMC Speed League
TW - TWMC All Circuits SprintChampionships
GO - Ginetta Owners Club
RS - RSSOC Speed Championship
TR - TR Register Championships
LC - Lotus Cup UK Speed Championships
L7 - Lotus 7 Club Speed Championships

Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
No   Yes

Persons to contact in case of serious accident to Driver
Including Postcode
No   Yes

No   Yes
No   Yes
TBA    Petrol    Diesel    Petrol Hybrid    Diesel Hybrid    Electric    Other    

Class A: Standard Cars (S11.1), Road Cars (Series Production S12.1.1) and Road Cars (Specialist
Production S12.1.2) (excluding cars in Appendix 1)
A1. ‘Standard Cars’ up to 1600cc, 2wd only, list 1a tyres only
A2. ‘Standard Cars’ from 1601cc to 2000cc, 2wd only, list 1a tyres only
A3. Up to 1600cc, 2wd only, list 1a or 1b tyres
A4. From 1601cc to 2300cc, 2wd only, list 1a or 1b tyres
A5. 2301cc and over, 2wd only, list 1a or 1b tyres
A6. 4-wheel drive cars of all capacities, list 1a or 1b tyres
Road-Going Kit Type and Replica Cars (including cars in Appendix 1)
A7. Up to 1800cc, excluding motorcycle-engined cars, list 1a or 1b tyres
A8. Over 1800cc, including motorcycle-engined cars, list 1a or 1b tyres

Class B: Modified Series/Specialist Production Cars (S13.1/2), Rally Cars conforming to R46-R49 and Rallycross Cars & derivatives conforming to N6 (excluding cars in Appendix 1)
B9. Up to 1400cc
B10. 1401cc to 2000cc
B11. 2001cc and over
Kit Type and Replica Cars (including cars in Appendix 1)
B12. Up to 2000cc
B13. 2001cc and over, plus all motorcycle-engined cars

Class C: Sports Libre Cars (S14.1)
C14. Sports Libre Cars up to 1800cc, motorcycle-engined cars up to 1100cc
C15. Sports Libre Cars over 1800cc, motorcycle-engined cars over 1100cc

Class D: Racing Cars (S15.1.1) and Hill Climb Super Sports Cars
D16. Up to 1100cc, plus racing cars conforming to Formula Ford specifications (see Appendix 3)
D17. 1101cc and over

Class E: Electric Vehicles (unmodified other than approved safety equipment)
E18. All electric: propelled by one or more electric motors, with a collector charged from external electricity
E19. Hybrid: with an internal combustion engine and an electric drivetrain, with on-board electrical charging

Class F: Marque Classes (Log books may be required to comply with Motorsport UK regulations)
F20. Reliant Scimitar & Sabre Owners Club
F21. Morgan Sports Car Club
F22. Lotus Cup UK Speed Championship: Production 1; Production 2; SuperSport
F23. TR Register
In the event of more than 6 entries, Marque classes may be formed at the Organiser's discretion.

Class G: Allcomers (Any other vehicle. Log books may be required to comply with Motorsport UK regs)

Class In: Intro-Class (RS Clubman Licence). Standard Cars (S11.1.3) up to 2000cc, 2wd only, list 1A tyres.

Class J: Junior Sprint (14-16 years, see S7.1.9). Standard Cars up to 1400cc, 2wd only, list 1A tyres

Appendix 1 (Two-seater road-going kit-type and replica cars)
Caterham, Westfield, Sylva, Fisher, Lotus 7, Elise, Exige, 340R, Vauxhall 220, X- Bow and similar derivatives.
Appendix 2 (Standard Cars)
Defined in S11.1 Applies to those cars made after 01/01/2000.
Appendix 3
Formula Ford racing cars using Kent, Zetec or Duratec engines. All vehicles must comply with the appropriate Formula Ford technical regulations approved by Motorsport UK for that particular car and year of production.

Indicate who should be first, name and entry number.

Carbon Footprint
Miles one way. If multiple vehicles are travelling for your entry, add up the total.


Interclub Entry - £130     (up to 4th April 2025 12:00)
Interclub HCA&AC Members - £125     (up to 4th April 2025 12:00)
Bank Payment  Cheque 
Payment details will be displayed after the entry is submitted

Yes  No 
I would like Herts County Auto & Aero Club to contact me about other future events.

If a required field is not filled in, the form will scroll to that field so you can complete it before trying to submit the entry again.

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