Entry Form
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Signing-on will be available here
from 23rd August 2024 20:00
to 23rd September 2024 18:00
Competitor Signing-On

Castle Combe Circuit Stage Rally ~ 28/29th September 2024

Entry Form

Please enter the event using this form, and then pay following the instructions on the next page.

You will appear in the entry list as an accepted entry once the Entries Secretary has received your payment and verified your entry is complete.

Held under the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these Supplementary Regulations and any written instructions (including bulletins) that the organising club may issue for the event.

Undertakings & Indemnities as required by Motorsport UK GR D13.1 to D13.1.5 are included on the Official Signing-On Forms for the event, also by submission of the Entry Form you agree to abide by Motorsport UK Regulations and any written instructions issued for the event.

Any Competitor who is under 18 MUST declare so on this Entry Form and the relevant Parent/Guardian will then be required to conform to Motorsport UK D13.1.1(c).

Entries will not be considered for acceptance until full payment has been received and the entry form is complete.

We do not recognise TBA, TBC, 0 or other such variants; this will not be classed as a completed entry.
To allow you to update your entry details, and to access the online signing-on form later. Keep a note of this.

It is important that this is correct.
ASWMC - DL Motorsport Parts ASWMC Stage Rally Championship
ACSMC - The ACSMC Stage Rally Championship
CMSG - CMSG Stage Rally Championship

Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
No   Yes

Persons to contact in case of serious accident to Driver
Including Postcode
No   Yes

It is important that this is correct.
ASWMC - DL Motorsport Parts ASWMC Stage Rally Championship
ACSMC - The ACSMC Stage Rally Championship
CMSG - CMSG Stage Rally Championship

Navigator's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
No   Yes

Persons to contact in case of serious accident to Navigator
Including Postcode
No   Yes

No   Yes
TBA    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    
A - FIA Rally2, R5 and S2000 specification cars and any derivatives therefrom, plus World Rally cars with a sequential gearbox.
B - 4-wheel drive cars over 2000cc or forced induction engines over 1500cc that are not eligible for Class A, including FIA Rally3 cars.
C - 2-wheel drive cars with normally aspirated engines over 2000cc or forced induction engines over 1500cc plus all FIA RGT cars.
D - Cars with normally aspirated engines over 1600cc up to 2000cc or forced induction engines up to 1500cc plus all FIA Rally4 or R2 cars with forced induction.
E - Cars with normally aspirated engines over 1400cc up to 1600cc or forced induction engines up to 1000cc not included in Class D, plus all FIA Rally5 cars.
F - Cars with normally aspirated engines up to 1400cc plus all cars complying with the 2024 Motorsport UK classes 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13.
G - Historic Cars complying with R49 of the Motorsport UK Yearbook 2024.

Past Performance

Please detail the most recent relevant results.
Event       Year       Status       Overall Position       Class Position.
Where would you expect to be seeded out of 70?

Media Information - please update your entry to add this later.


Entry - £310     (up to 23rd September 2024 18:00)

Not Needed   Membership - £20  

Not Needed   Membership - £20  
Bank Payment 
Payment details will be displayed after the entry is submitted

Yes  No 
I would like Bath MC to contact me about other future events.

If a required field is not filled in, the form will scroll to that field so you can complete it before trying to submit the entry again.

Entry System via MTC1.uk