Entry Form
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GTM AEMC/ASEMC Speed Championship ~ 2025

Entry Form

Please enter the championship using this form, and then pay by following the instructions on the next page.
You will appear in the entry list as a pending entry immediately, and only become an accepted entry once the Chapionship Secretary has received your payment.

Held under the National Competition Rules of Motorsport UK (incorporating the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and the Championship Regulations.
To allow you to update your entry details later.


Competition Car

No   Yes
TBA    A1    A2    A3    A4    A5    A6    A7    A8    B9    B10    B11    B12    B13    C14    C15    D16    D17    E18    E19    
Category A: Standard Cars (S.11.1), Road-Going Series Production Cars (S.12.1.1) and Road Going Specialist Production Cars (S.12.1.2) (excluding cars in Appendix 1)
A1. ‘Standard Cars’ up to 1600cc, 2wd only, list 1A tyres only
A2. ‘Standard Cars’ from 1601cc to 2000cc, 2wd only, list 1A tyres only
A3. Up to 1600cc, 2wd only, list 1A or 1B tyres
A4. From 1601cc to 2300cc, 2wd only, list 1A or 1B tyres
A5. 2301cc and over, 2wd only, list 1A or 1B tyres
A6. 4wd cars of all capacities, list 1A or 1B tyres
Road-Going Kit Type and Replica Cars (including cars in Appendix 1)
A7. Up to 1800cc, excluding motorcycle-engined cars, list 1A or 1B tyres
A8. Over 1800cc, including motorcycle-engined cars of any capacity, list 1A or 1B tyres

Category B: Modified Series/Specialist Production Cars (S.13.1/2), Rally Cars conforming to R.46-R.49 and Rallycross Cars & derivatives conforming to N.6 (excluding cars in Appendix 1)
B9. Up to 1400cc
B10. From 1401cc to 2000cc
B11. 2001cc and over
Kit Type and Replica Cars (including cars in Appendix 1)
B12. Up to 2000cc
B13. 2001cc and over plus all motorcycle-engined cars

Category C: Sports Libre Cars (S.14.1)
C14. Sports Libre Cars up to 1800cc, motorcycle-engined cars up to 1100cc
C15. Sports Libre Cars over 1800cc motorcycle-engined cars over 1100cc

Category D: Racing Cars (S15.1.1) and Hill Climb Super Sports Cars
D16. Up to 1100cc, plus racing cars conforming to “Formula Ford” specifications
D17. 1101cc and over

Category E: Electric Vehicles (unmodified other than approved safety equipment and having a vehicle passport compliant with J 5.24)
E18. All electric: propelled by one or more electric motors, with a collector charged from external electricity
E19. Hybrid: with an internal combustion engine and an electric drivetrain, with on-board electrical charging

Driver Registration Fee - £15
Bank Payment  Card (via PayPal) 

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations please confirm your consent to your details above being kept on an electronic database and to being contacted by AEMC in the following ways
Telephone    Mobile    Email    Post    

I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the National Competition Rules of Motorsport UK and the championship regulations for this championship and agree to be bound by them.
